الأحد، 17 يوليو 2011

I want to dream

Let me dream…Let me see everything sweet…Just let me dream. In my dreams I feel free, in my dreams everything looks perfect to me. In my dreams, I reach my goals. In my dreams I am who I want to be. Isn’t it sweet to dream?

 Yes, I’m a dreamer but without these dreams I will never be. It is a way for me to run away. Sometimes I can’t hold on. I feel empty and alone. I just want to be somewhere where I can be.

Sometimes I feel heat run through my veins. My thoughts can’t rest in one place. I feel I just want to stay away. Nobody can see what I feel. All what they want is a perfect me.

In my dreams I see the joy of being me. I have two kids and I know without them I can’t live but sometimes they can’t feel my pain. I speak my mind in my dreams. I truly say how I feel. I don’t hide. I don’t lie. I don’t care. I am just me. Some of you might ask why, how, and what. But all I can say is it’s hard to be who you are when you can’t be.

I’m a dreamer and I want this dream for myself just because my dreams are just for me. There is no father or mother, no husband or wife, and no aunt or uncle. Everything in my dream is under my control. It is only me that draws each person with color, which has a meaning.

In my dreams everybody is perfect which is hard for me to believe! Everybody has a purpose for their being. Can you believe it? This is how my dreams are sweet. In my dreams, there are no wars or fights. Everyone is happy. There is no one in pain. 

Sometimes questions fly around like a bee, like: is this dream real? How silly. It is just a dream. But I do need to dream so I can live. My life is so hard sometimes that I feel the need to flee. But I hang on to everything I have and go live the dream because it is just a dream. It will end when I open my eyes. And when I do open my eyes, I will see nothing has changed and my life is waiting for me to live it.

You may see mixed, convoluted thoughts. I don’t know how and why I wrote this, but this is the way I feel and I felt the need to say: I want to dream!

هناك 10 تعليقات:

Em Ommar يقول...

الله يفرجها عليكي ويحققلك كلللللللللللللللللللللللل أحلامك يارب

ويعطيكي إلي أحلى منها كمان

Whisper يقول...

Keep dreaming ya amar...without dreams u can't go on and live ur life....without dreams u can't go on waiting for the next dream to start ,and u don't know, maybe one day all ur dreams come true ....soooon inshallah

زينة زيدان يقول...

let ur thoughts free..
let ur life sweet..
and if u can`t achieve that in ur life...

u have another lovely thing
whitch is called "a dreem"
tell ur dreems to go on..

yosef يقول...

ابنتي الغالية سوزان
مساء الخير

لو نظرنا نظرة واقعيّة لما انجزناه في حياتنا ...لادركنا انه بدء حلما وفي بعض المرات حلما مستحيلا

علشان هيك مرة سألوني في موقع كيف تعرف نفسك بكلمتين

لم اجد سوى
الحالم المقاوم

ابقي على احلامك
ويوما ما ستتحقق ان شاء الله

دمتِ بخير

كريمة سندي يقول...

لا اعرف اللغة لكن من خلال التعليقات فهمت نوعا ما الموضوع تحياتي

sozan يقول...

أهلين ام عمر:)
الله يخليكي يا رب ويسعدك

sozan يقول...

أهلين ويسبر :)
ربنا يسمع منك يا رب و يسعدك

sozan يقول...

أهلين زينة :)
شكرًا الك والحمدلله ع نعمة الأحلام

sozan يقول...

أهلين والدي العزيز يوسف:) الحمدلله ع نعمة الأحلام وان شاء الله تتحقق
تحياتي والدي

sozan يقول...

أهلين صديقتي كريمة :)
خلص رح اضل ع العربي لعيونك هي محاولة لا اكثر ولا اقل اهلا وسهلا عزيزتي